18" Crescent Black Oxide Adjustable Wrench (AT118)

United States
Made in United States

Regular price $75.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 USD
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Availability: 275 In stock
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18" Crescent Black Oxide Adjustable Wrench (AT118)///brand_for_product_detail=Crescent,close_out=Yes,companydescription=Crescent - Made in the USA,condition=New,condition_google=new,cost=13.000000,countrymade=Made in the USA,country_flag=/a/t/at118crescentadjustablewrench.jpg,featured=0,flag=/a/t/at118crescentadjustablewrench.jpg,gtin_google=037103463395,identifier_exists=0,instock=in stock,madeby=Yes,manufacture_country=United States,product_image_size=Default,product_page_type=Default,shopping_ad_bestseller=No,smart_campaign_bestsellers=Rest of Smart Campaign Products,store_price=75.000000,sw_featured=No, B3 03 R P1

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Michael Hall
Nos crecent adjustable

Happy to get my hands on probaly one of the last made in usa crecent adjustable. Item came shipped in nice new condition.

The Negotiator

I was searching for a large adjustable wrench to round out my collection and complete a job. I wanted a USA made tool if possible. To my surprise and disappointment it seems all of the adjustable wrenches available on the market today are foreign made, even professional tool truck brands. To my delight HJE had this NOS USA Made Crescent in stock. Came very well packaged with original packaging and USA stamped on the tool. Thank you to HJE for caring about American made products. The wrench itself is stout and well finished. It does the job and with a little bit of care I will be handing this down to my grandkids. Get them while you can!